
Acht Nederlandse startups in finale van The Next Web Startup Rally

By: Redactie Dutchcowboys


Tijdens de 6e editie van The Next Web conference staan er 8 startups van Nederlandse bodem in de finale van de TNW Startup Rally. Uit meer dan 200 inschrijvingen zijn er na 3 jury ronden 18 startups gekozen om hier hun nieuwe dienst te presenteren op de conferentie.

Startups hebben vaak twee grote uitdagingen. De eerste is financiering ophalen en de tweede is media aandacht“, aldus mede oprichter van The Next Web, Patrick de Laive. “Het platform van The Next Web Startup Rally biedt de jonge bedrijven een mogelijkheid om voor een wereldwijd publiek, pers en investeerders te presenteren en kan grote invloed hebben op het succes van de startups.”

Dit jaar wordt de startup rally gesteund door Microsoft BizSpark. Wat de exposure voor de startups nog groter maakt. Vele nationale en internationale startups lanceerden hun diensten op The Next Web in eerdere jaren, waaronder Netvibes, Zyb, Plazes, Wakoopa, Mendeley, Huddle, CoTweet, Yunoo en My Name is E.

De 18 finalisten van The Next Web Startup Rally voor dit jaar zijn:

Bossa Studios (UK)
Pitch: Making the ‘social networking games are not really games’ debate totally irrelevant.
Tag: Social Gaming
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Moqee (FR)
Pitch: Taking social video curation to the next level.
Tag: Video
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Createplaceads (NL)
Pitch: The easiest way to create and place ads in tomorrow’s newspaper or magazine.
Tag: Print
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Openmargin (NL)
Pitch: The margin of a book made public domain for readers to exchange annotations and engage in a meaningful dialogue.
Tag: eReading
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Squeeqly (RO)
Pitch: Identify top influencers and reward them with discounts for generating word of mouth about you!
Tag: Social commerce
Remark: International launch at TNW Conference

Flockler (FI)
Pitch: Topic based curation platform for publishers.
Tag: Media
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Zmazz (NL)
Pitch: Mobile payments free of charge, fun and social
Tag: Mobile payments
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Wosju (DK)
Pitch: It’s not about who you know – but how well you know them #socialgraph #trust #curatedsearch
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Cleeng (NL)
Pitch: Publisher generate incremental revenues on top of advertising and subscriptions with Cleeng
Tag: Media
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Silk (NL)
Pitch: Silk lets you easily add meaning to content while creating it, allowing people to search, aggregate and visualize it in powerful new ways.
Tag: Semantic web
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Hitchie (NL)
Pitch: Online Speed Networking platform.
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Foodzy (NL)
Pitch: Foursquare for Food: Keep track of what you eat and earn badges for fun and healthy eating habits.
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Qubulus (SE)
Pitch: Crowd Sourced Indoor Positioning
Tag: LBS
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

oneDrum (UK)
Pitch: All apps will be collaborative.
Tag: Collaboration
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

The Charity Engine (UK)
Pitch: World computing
Tag: Collabartive computing power
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

Soup.me (AT)
Pitch: All your digital life visualized just the way you want it, nicer and easier than ever before.
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Onavo (IL)
Pitch: Helps smartphone users regain control of mobile data usage. Save money on data charges.
Tag: Mobile
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference

Kuvva (NL)
Pitch: Connecting fans to brands
Tag: Online advertising
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference

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