Bossa Studios (UK)
Pitch: Making the ‘social networking games are not really games’ debate totally irrelevant.
Tag: Social Gaming
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Moqee (FR)
Pitch: Taking social video curation to the next level.
Tag: Video
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference
Createplaceads (NL)
Pitch: The easiest way to create and place ads in tomorrow’s newspaper or magazine.
Tag: Print
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Openmargin (NL)
Pitch: The margin of a book made public domain for readers to exchange annotations and engage in a meaningful dialogue.
Tag: eReading
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Squeeqly (RO)
Pitch: Identify top influencers and reward them with discounts for generating word of mouth about you!
Tag: Social commerce
Remark: International launch at TNW Conference
Flockler (FI)
Pitch: Topic based curation platform for publishers.
Tag: Media
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Zmazz (NL)
Pitch: Mobile payments free of charge, fun and social
Tag: Mobile payments
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Wosju (DK)
Pitch: It’s not about who you know – but how well you know them #socialgraph #trust #curatedsearch
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Cleeng (NL)
Pitch: Publisher generate incremental revenues on top of advertising and subscriptions with Cleeng
Tag: Media
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference
Silk (NL)
Pitch: Silk lets you easily add meaning to content while creating it, allowing people to search, aggregate and visualize it in powerful new ways.
Tag: Semantic web
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Hitchie (NL)
Pitch: Online Speed Networking platform.
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Foodzy (NL)
Pitch: Foursquare for Food: Keep track of what you eat and earn badges for fun and healthy eating habits.
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference
Qubulus (SE)
Pitch: Crowd Sourced Indoor Positioning
Tag: LBS
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference
oneDrum (UK)
Pitch: All apps will be collaborative.
Tag: Collaboration
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference
The Charity Engine (UK)
Pitch: World computing
Tag: Collabartive computing power
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference (AT)
Pitch: All your digital life visualized just the way you want it, nicer and easier than ever before.
Tag: Social Networking
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference
Onavo (IL)
Pitch: Helps smartphone users regain control of mobile data usage. Save money on data charges.
Tag: Mobile
Remark: Launching new stuff at TNW Conference
Kuvva (NL)
Pitch: Connecting fans to brands
Tag: Online advertising
Remark: Launching at TNW Conference