Via Google Alerts op de querie [Dutchcowboys] werd ik verwezen naar deze posting;
“in english this time since it is not related to berlin 😉 no i am not coming with an answer to that question. but anyhow, i went to the SIME in stockholm the last 2 days and had the great chance to hear people talking about the power of blogs (ok that’s not a highlight, i read cluetrain manifest in 2000 or 2001).
But there, i met with some people running sucessful blogs. God what impressive. The lesson: if they make it, i can. there is no secret, only to dos. here is the result, happy i’ve met the people behind. Here the beautiful blog from a quiet impressive dutch women, karin loeffen: Dutchcowboys”
Wie helpt ons dit mysterie op te lossen? We zijn niet op SIME in Stockholm geweest en kennen deze blogger en, helaas moet ik zeggen, deze dame (Karin Loeffen) ook niet?!?!
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