Henk is Internet Entrepreneur, founder van Dutchcowboys en daarnaast tech en travelblogger, fotograaf, visual storyteller en bovenal een digitale nomade. Je maakt Henk vooral blij met bijzondere auto's, verre reizen en coole gadgets. Zijn grootste passies zijn echter innovatie, creativiteit en duurzaamheid.
Op internet zijn de laatste dagen berichten te lezen over het voor SEO specialisten gebruik van “Nofollow“. De stelling die er ligt is “Nofollow is a Form of Cloaking”.
Is dat nu waar of niet waar? Warning, it’s Against Google’s Search Engine Guidelines. I got thinking about the recent Business.com fiasco. Isn’t placing links in your editorial content a way of telling site visitors that you trust those links? And then using nofollow on those links is a way of telling search engines you do not trust them?
Via Google’s Webmaster Guidelines is te lezen: Make pages for users, not for search engines. Don’t deceive your users or present different content to search engines than you display to users, which is commonly referred to as “cloaking.”
Een van de suggesties is: I would recommend every serious webmaster take a hard look at abandoning the use of nofollow in all cases other than user generated content. The web is founded on links. Don’t ghettoize the web, and do not ghettoize your site. Save the Internet!
Bert-Jan onze eigen guru en developer reageert met: Ik dacht dat nofollow noodzakelijk was ivm pagerank-lekken. Had google trouwens de rel=”nofollow” niet zelf uitgevonden?
En wat dacht je hiervan:
11 Reasons against nofollow
1. nofollow does not prevent comment spam 2. nofollow is confusingly named 3. nofollow harms the connections between web sites 4. nofollow is not useful for humans, just for search engines using PageRank or a similar technique 5. nofollow could be used to shut web sites out 6. nofollow discriminates legitimate users as spammers 7. nofollow heists commentators’ earned attention 8. nofollow could be used to further discriminate weblogs 9. nofollow prevents the Web from being a web 10. nofollow eliminates the dissemination of free speech 11. nofollow was developed in privacy with only search engines companies taking part in the discussion
Wie het weet mag het zeggen.
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