Het is vanaf nu niet meer mogelijk om met Foursquare in the checken. Wil je dat wel blijven doen zal je toch de overstap moeten maken naar Swarm, de nieuwe app van Foursquare. Al jouw vorige check-ins, vrienden en foto’s staan overigens allemaal automatisch in Swarm. Begin mei kondigde de dienst al op te gaan splitsen in 2 verschillende apps. Een sociale check-in app, Swarm, en een locatie-discovery app, Foursquare.
Deze splitsing heeft Foursquare, dat nu ook een nieuw logo heeft, de tijd gegeven om te werken aan een flinke metamorfose die bijna klaar is voor de gebruikers. Volgens de blogpost van Foursquare zal de vernieuwde app ergens in de komende 2 weken beschikbaar komen en deze zal beschikken over gepersonaliseerde lokale zoekopdrachten, hierdoor krijgen gebruikers verschillende resultaten op basis van hun voorkeuren en activiteiten.
Foursquare noemt het de start van een ‘personalized local search future,‘ iets waar ze al sinds de lancering aan werken, en hetgeen opgebouwd is door de community van zo’n 50 miljoen gebruikers, met alle tips, check-ins en foto’s. Al deze input helpt met het vormen van jouw aanbevelingen.
Hieronder de e-mail gericht aan gebruikers:
“Hi Jeroen,
About five years ago, we launched a little app called Foursquare and introduced the world to the idea of the check-in. Since then, you’ve checked in an amazing 1,127 times. All of your check-ins, from the very first to the most recent, have helped us grow and evolve into the app we’ve always wanted to be. That’s why we wanted you to be one of the first to know about some of the big changes coming soon to the Foursquare app.
Everyone explores the world differently – guided by their own unique tastes, their friends, and the people they trust. Local search has never been good at this. It doesn’t get you, and, as a result, everyone gets the same one-size-fits-all results. Why should two very different people get the same recommendations when they visit Paris? Or the same list of places when they’re looking for a bar? We’re about to change that. In a couple weeks, we’re rolling out a brand new version of Foursquare that’s all about you. Tell us what you like, and we’ll be on the lookout for great places that match your tastes, wherever you are.
This means a few changes.
– First, starting tomorrow, we’re moving all check-ins to our new app, Swarm. Don’t worry; all your past check-ins, all your friends, all your photos, they’re all automatically in Swarm.
Over three quarters of you are already on the new app. (Thank you! And keep sending us feedback; we’re hustling on making improvements every day – get a preview of what’s next here) For everyone still using Foursquare to check in, you’ll need to download Swarm to keep checking in.
– Second, if you build a totally new app, you need a totally new logo. Our logo is changing from the check-in checkmark to something representing the new Foursquare. We designed it to be a mix of map pin and superhero emblem. We’ve always thought of Foursquare as giving you superpowers to explore your city, and our new logo reflects that vision. It’s coming soon to a homescreen near you.”
– Finally, we wanted to give everyone a peek at what’s coming. Here’s what you see when you open the new Foursquare. No two people view the world exactly the same, so no two people will have the same experience with the app. Once you teach Foursquare a couple things about you – add tastes, follow experts, or even just walk around for a few days – the app will be 100% yours.
This is the beginning of the ‘personalized local search’ future we’ve been talking about since we started Foursquare. It’s been built with the help of our amazing 50,000,000-strong community, with all your tips, check-ins, photos, and the smarts we layered on top of that. You’ve been with us for a while, and all of your check-ins and history will continue to help shape your recommendations.
We can’t wait to get the new Foursquare, and new versions of Swarm, in your hands. If you use Foursquare to check in, download Swarm today. And, if you’ve been waiting for real local search, not just the yellow pages on your phone, stay tuned. The all new Foursquare will be here really soon.”
[Afbeelding © Fotolia]