Sommige mensen zullen het zien als een poging om te gaan concurreren met bloggingdienst Tumblr. Feit is dat Facebook vorige week het sociale netwerk Storylane heeft overgenomen. Gedetailleerde informatie over de deal is niet bekendgemaakt. Storylane maakte dit vrijdag bekend via hun website. Volgens Mashable zal het team van Storylane onderdeel worden van Facebook’s Timeline team, maar Facebook zal geen data verkrijgen van Storylane.
De oprichter van Storylane, Jonathan Gheller, kondigde het nieuws aan via de blog van Storylane. Hij vertelde het volgende:
After a lot of discussions with Facebook about how our teams might work together to have even greater impact, we are announcing today that the Storylane team will be joining Facebook. This is an exciting opportunity. Facebook’s mission of connecting the world has always been at the center of our work, and, like our friends at Facebook, meaningful connections are what our team is most passionate about.
The beautiful stories you have decided to share with us are yours to keep and share in however way you want. We are building tools that will help you migrate the content to other services if you so desire. I will be in touch with you about those specific tools later, but I can confirm that Facebook is not acquiring any of your data, and we’re working to make sure you can migrate your content in a manageable way.
Facebook bevestigde de overname in een korte verklaring aan de pers:
The team from Storylane will be an incredible addition to Facebook. Their previous work showcasing real identity through sincere and meaningful content will make them a perfect fit at Facebook.