Yahoo en OMD hebben in maar liefst 11 landen onderzoek gedaan onder 13-24 jarige getiteld: “Truly, Madly, Deeply Engaged: Global Youth, Media and Technology”.
Youth’s use of interactive and wireless technologies has created a global generation highly accustomed to personalizing their experiences with interactive media. This so-called “My Media Generation”, driven by a desire to personalize their media, has given rise to very different attitudes and responses toward advertising and marketing messages.
“We’ve moved from broadcasting to podcasting in just a short period of time”, says Wenda Harris Millard, chief sales officer, Yahoo!. “The My Media Generation increasingly filters the flow of advertising messages, letting in only those that are relevant, entertaining, or delivering value. While that raises serious challenges for marketers, it also brings the promise of new, more powerful channels for reaching youth and having them willingly and enthusiastically engage with brands.” via
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