
Marktaandeel Firefox inmiddels boven de 8%

By: Redactie Dutchcowboys


OneStat.com weet te melden dat Mozilla’s browser inmiddels een gebruiksaandeel heeft van 8,45%. Het officiele persbericht staat hieronder. De top 3 van de browsers ziet er als volgt uit:

1. Microsoft IE 87.28 % 2. Mozilla Firefox 8.45 % 3. Apple Safari 1.21 %


Mozilla’s browsers global usage share is 8.45 percent according to OneStat.com

Amsterdam – February 28 2005 – ( www.onestat.com ), the number one provider of real-time web analytics, today reported that Mozilla’s browsers have a total global usage share of 8.45 percent. The total usage share of Mozilla increased more than 1 percent since Novermber 2004. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer still dominates the global browser market with a global usage share of 87,28 percent which is 1.62 percent less as at the end of November 2004.

“It seems that global usage share of Mozilla’s Firefox is still increasing and the total global usage share of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is still decreasing. It looks like that browser users of Internet Explorer 5 are switching to Mozilla Firefox instead of upgrading to Internet Explorer 6.0” said Niels Brinkman, co-founder of OneStat.com.

The global usage share of Apple’s Safari has increased with 0.3 percent from 0.91 percent to 1.21 percent since November 2004.

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