
Zoho wint InfoWorld’s 2009 Technology of the Year Award

By: Redactie Dutchcowboys


Wat hebben Zoho, Firefox en de iPhone 3G gemeen? Niet zo moeilijk te raden als je de titel al gelezen hebt. Alle drie zijn ze winnaar gewonnen in hun categorie bij de InfoWorld’s 2009 Technology of the Year Awards.

Firefox en de iPhone 3G kennen we allemaal, maar Zoho? Ze hebben gewonnen in de Best Office Alternative category. Volgens Inforworld “you could use Zoho to ‘run a complete business’“.

And that’s exactly what we do. Aldus Rodrigo Vaca op het Zoco Blog. We use Zoho Mail and the integrated chat heavily internally; Zoho Reports for analyzing data; Zoho People to find our colleague’s information; Zoho CRM to capture our leads and customers; Zoho Creator for building ad-hoc applications… I could go on, but we have more than 20 applications. You get the picture.

Finally – if you’re not ready for an office alternative just yet, that’s cool. You can use Zoho Docs to upload and share your Office, OpenOffice, Works, iWorks files. One cool thing about Zoho Docs is that it will keep the documents that you upload in their original format. From there, you can share them with your contacts for easy and instant collaboration.

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