
Onderzoek Universiteit Graz : Stop Google

By: Henk de Hooge


De wijze heren van de Universiteit in Graz zijn niet geheel gelukkig met Google. Het voordeel van onderzoekers is dat ze flinke uitspraken ook onderbouwen met een rapport, “Report on dangers and opportunities posed by large search engines, particularly Google” wat je hier (.pdf) kunt downloaden.

Google as search engine is dominating (Convincing evidence on this is easily available and presented in Section 1). That on its own is dangerous, but could possibly be accepted as “there is no real way out”, although this is not true, either. (We would rather see a number of big search engines run by some official non-profit organisations than a single one run by a private, profit driven company.)

However, in conjunction with the fact that Google is operating many other services, and probably silently cooperating with still further players, this is unacceptable.


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