
Google Fiber in Kansas City: snelheden tot 700 Mbps geen uitzondering

By: Redactie Dutchcowboys


Na maanden van anticiperen is gigabit home internetservice Google Fiber gelanceerd in Kansas City in de Verenigde Staten. Zoekgigant Google biedt 1 Gbps snelheden aan voor slechts 70 dollar per maand. Dit is significant sneller en goedkoper dan wat andere Amerikaanse isp’s aanbieden. Mike Demarais, oprichter van Threedee, vertelde het volgende: ‘We just got it today and I’ve been stuck in front of my laptop for the last few hours. It’s unbelievable. I’m probably not going to leave the house.’


In Nederland hoeven we voorlopig niet te rekenen op Google Fiber, aangezien derest van de Verenigde Staten het nog niet eens heeft. Google zegt het volgende in een blog:

After months of building a brand new Fiber infrastructure, we’re excited to announce that today we’re officially starting to connect homes in Kansas City to Google Fiber.

We’ve been working in a few homes over the last few weeks to make sure we can deliver a great experience, and along the way we’ve thought a lot about what “great” might mean. We want it to take the amount of time we (and you!) think it’s going to take. We want to be able to explain what we’re doing in easy to understand language, so it makes sense to you and it’s not just tech jargon! And of course we’re aiming for “one and done”—one visit, everything working when we leave your home.

There are two stages to getting you connected. First, we’ll pull your Fiber from the street to the side of your house; we’ve already done this for several houses in Hanover Heights. Then we’ll get in touch with you to schedule the second stage, your in-home installation. We’ve put together a short video to help you understand what to expect. 

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