
THQ maakt crossplatform video game voor Pixar’s WALL-E zomer 2008 + VIDEO INTERVIEW

By: Patrick Petersen


Amerikaans gameproducent THQ maakt voor de nieuwe Pixarfilm WALL-E de gelijknamige en zeer crossplatform game. De film gaat over een robot in het jaar 2700 en staat onder regie van Andrew Stanton. Stanton kennen we van Finding Nemo.

Het spel zal uitkomen voor Windows, Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Wii, DS, Mac en de mobiele telefoon. De film WALL-E wordt eind juli 2008 in Nederland verwacht.

AGOURA HILLS, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Jan. 3, 2008–(NASDAQ: THQI) today announced plans to release the WALL/E video game in conjunction with the film’s eagerly awaited theatrical debut from Disney/Pixar in the summer of 2008. WALL/E is anticipated to launch across all major gaming systems including the Xbox 360(R) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system, PlayStation(R)2 computer entertainment system, PSP(R) (PlayStation(R)Portable) system, Wii(TM) home video game system, Nintendo DS(TM), Windows PC and Mac, as well as wireless devices.

The long-running relationship between THQ and Disney/Pixar has achieved shipments of more than 35 million units worldwide. THQ’s current agreement with Disney/Pixar, which was announced in 2004, includes rights to create games based on four newly created Disney/Pixar film properties. Last year’s Ratatouille video game was the first property released by THQ under this agreement.

WALL/E is expected to release this summer and will mark THQ’s next installment in the company’s well-established and successful association with Disney/Pixar. Development for WALL/E will be led by THQ’s internal Heavy Iron Studios.

Via persbericht THQ 3/1/2008

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