Kris Hoet is Hoofdredacteur van Belgiancowboys, maar in het dagelijkse leven vooral actief als Creative Innovator bij WARPED. Als regelrechte petrolhead is hij mede-bezieler van Carrepublic. Andere passies zijn fotografie & mountainbiken.
Zie hier de QUANT e-Sportlimousine is het allereerste prototype dat gebaseerd is op nanoFLOWCELL technologie oftwel zout water. Genoeg gelachen, dit is concreet waar het over gaat:
“The Quant E-Sportlimousine is powered by salt water. Powered by a salt water nanoFLOWcell system. It’s a 912-horsepower electric car. The heart of the car utilizes a three-tank system that stores two types of liquid electrolytes — one positively charged, the other negatively. The liquids are circulated through the center tank; a battery-like cell with a membrane separating it into two halves. An electrical charge is generated from that membrane as the two liquids swirl on either side of it. The system generates enough power to propel the car reach a top speed of over 218 miles per hour and accelerate to 62 mph in 2.8 seconds, and the range is said to be between about 250 to 370 miles between charges.”
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