Werner Vogels is een van de sprekers tijdens de 5e editie van The Next Web. Voor Werner dit keer echte geen obligaat verhaal over zijn positie als CTO bij Amazon. Zijn PR-mensen hoeven dus niet aan de bak om een nieuwe set van boeiende dia’s.
Werner had een veel beter idee: Laat we het publiek zelf maar eens vragen wat ze graag willen horen. Jullie kunnen dus mee beslissen waar Werner over zal spreken tijdens The Next Web Conference 2010. De mannen van de TNW hebben een een aantal onderwerpen geselekteerd waar Werner zeker een boeiende presentatie over kan geven voor alle bezoekers en volgers. Boris en Patrick denken dat al deze onderwerpen interessant zijn voor jullie en Werner heeft verzekerd dat hij de onderwerpen van meer technische aard zo weet te presenteren dat deze voor iedereen nog steeds te volgen zijn.
Onderwerpen na de …lees meer. Ons idee: Laat Werner over alle 6 de onderwerpen in 10 min. spreken verdeelt over de drie dagen. 10 Minutes with Werner ;). Laat het weten in de comments of via Twitter @TNWconference, ook andere ideeën zijn natuurlijk meer dan welkom!
1. Kill your Database
What is all this NoSQL stuff we keep hearing about? Casandra, Voldemort, CouchDB, Neo4J, are all new storage systems that power some of the world’s largest sites such as facebook, linkedin, digg, twitter, etc. At the origin of the NoSQL movement lies Dynamo, a system that Werner co-architected, so he is right person to help us understand why this is important, how we should distinguish the different players, and what the future of all of this is for everyone involved with Internet applications.
2. Crowd-sourcing for Everyone
Mechanical Turk was launched almost 5 years ago and the larger public only has seen some funny artist examples such as the sheep market. However Mechanical Turk is used heavily by many Internet applications; content moderation for websites, information gathering for catalogs, audio transcription for podcast and video presentations, cleaning massive datasets for Wall Street firms, etc. In this talk Werner will dive into the current state of Mechanical Turk, show how everyone can add crowd sourcing to their applications and he will demonstrate tons of interesting examples.
3. The Future Web Building Blocks
When we talk about building blocks for Internet applications current we still talk about pretty low level stuff, but slowly there is an ecosystem developing that provides higher level services that are going to be the building blocks for a deluge of revolutionary new applications. Werner will show how new services that that are coming into existence today in areas such telco, geo, media, graphing, bigdata, are going to drive development of applications that could not be built before.
4.Big, Bigger, Biggest Data
We hear a lot about Big Data, how everyone is collecting terabytes and petabytes of data and then working hard on making sense of what they have collected and trying to dig for gold in those massive datasets. Executing right on Big Data opportunities is considered to be a massive competitive advantage for enterprises and young businesses alike and processing system such as Hadoop are becoming increasing popular. In this talk Werner will dive deep on what Big Data really is, why it is important, what the tools are, what companies are doing with it, how for years already it powers many pieces of Amazon.com and how it will affect everyone, everywhere. He will also dive into how the public sharing of big data set leads to surprising new applications, and why this is an important building block for future internet applications.
5. Crisismapping
OK, this is an area that Werner is just getting involved with, but he could talk about what others have done in the area of using technology to put tools in the hands of the crowds to map information about conflicts and crisis (think Earthquakes), and how it has been used in for example Haiti, and what direction this is taking.
6. Your Idea Here
Got an even better idea of what Werner could talk about? This is the era of crowdsourcing, social networking and online community building so hey; we ARE listening. The comment section is your soapbox, get to it!