Er is inmiddels genoeg gezegd en geschreven over al die beta tools van Google. Natuurlijk de volledigheid, de lekken maar ook of Google nu wel of niet persoonlijke informatie opslaat van bezoekers.
Wat weet Google nu precies van jou als je gebruik maakt van al die diensten? Een boeiend overzicht.
Google Toolbar – the web sites you visit, how often you visit them, how long you visit them, the links you click, the searches you perform, when you perform them
Google WebAccelerator – the web sites you visit, how often you visit them, how long you visit them, when you visit them, the links you click, the searches you perform
Google AdWords – your complete address, your credit card information
Google AdWords – conversion tracking – your online revenue, your number of online sales
Google Desktop Search – the complete content of your desktop, your emails, your Word documents, etc.
Google AdSense – your complete address, the number of your web site visitors, if you use AdSense code on more than one page, the way people visit your web site
Personalized Google – home page your interests, the stocks you own (or are interested in), your favorite news sources (your political views)
Google MySearch – history all of your searches (your interests, hobbies, plans)
Google – SMS your cell phone number
Gmail – the content of your email messages, to which people you write, which people write to you
Google cookies – they help Google to identify you and to combine the information from the different Google features to a single account